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The new smart city project and the research site inspired by the Jacque Fresco’s concepts

The vision of utopian cities becoming a reality is on the horizon. Technology is transforming our lives, and these new types of cities will revolutionize […]

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Now we will be directly involved in the construction of smart cities

We getting a partnership in the practical realization of a smart city / test site, as well as great opportunities! We have to start a […]

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The Venus Project is no longer has a clear proposal and plan, but rather countless options

In this interview, Nathanael Dinwiddie and Theofilos Chaldezos, the new directors of The Venus Project, admitted that The Venus Project’s vision and plans are defined […]

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All 2 companies of a key partner of The Venus Project, with whom they were planning to build a desert city in Peru, were simultaneously […]

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The Venus Project’s 1 million dollar crowdfunding for Simon Michaux!

The first interview in which Jacque Fresco’s ideas and work are in the past tense, and you can tell they’re not really doing it anymore: […]

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The first article to double-check our claims

The first investigative article to double-check our claims about The Venus Project and its new course! The author of the article has conducted his own […]

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Jacque Fresco’s archived lectures – promised, but where are they?

An article on preserving the legacy of Jacque Fresco turned into an investigation into the cloudy stories of money and corruption at The Venus Project. […]

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“The Great Simplification” in The Venus Project

The Venus Project has already begun to teach about the “Overshoot” of humanity. I don’t know how to describe the term, but it means, “We’ve […]

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Why hasn’t the movie about Jacques Fresco, The Man of Tomorrow, by Nathanael Dinwiddie come out?

One of the key Board of Directors for The Venus Project organization is now Nathanael Dinwiddie, who got his seat back in 2018. Were you […]

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New NGO for Jacque Fresco’s major motion picture and virtual reality city

Non-profit organization “The Choice Is Ours” has an ambitious goal – to make a full-length sci-fi feature film about humanity’s transition to the resource-based economy […]

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Your support matters

Do you like our content and would like to see more? Do you support the ideas of Jacque Fresco and the original The Venus Project […]

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Why create a new movement? What about The Venus Project Movement?

The Venus Project movement completely dissolved in 2023, in secrecy, without announcing to the public, like so much else (see screenshot below). And by the […]

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