The Venus Project movement completely dissolved in 2023, in secrecy, without announcing to the public, like so much else (see screenshot below). And by the fact, the movement was transformed to just a supporters in 2016, with new naming “TVP Support”, as you can read in the “First Director” chapter of the main research.

So no more country coordinators, no more regional points of contact (POCs), no more individual groups, no more private initiatives or team/organizations – now all surviving international team members work directly for the board of directors (as volunteers, under a rather strict non-disclosure agreement and transfer of all rights to the results of their work). And now, they must instead of developing the movement in their own country – find a task from the directors, and launching private initiatives turns into bureaucracy and insurmountable obstacle. There probably won’t be many people left to do that.

The movement has not been supported and developed in any way, and judging by the results themselves – it was not part of the plans of the board of directors from the moment of their appointment (current directors in 2018).
And even more so, despite the fact that the movement has helped to keep The Venus Project alive, to get The Venus Project Research Center off the market, to become visible and globally recognized, to be supported by voluntary contributions, crowdfunding and volunteer work, to bring many opportunities on a plate – the movement is directly compared by Nate (main TVP director) to the chaos and disorder that they are trying to clean up in order to make “real change” in the organization and its direction. Well now that there’s almost nothing left – changing course, and changing dramatically (as seen in previous posts).

What is your opinion? If you do not agree with this, and wish to join the efforts, to continue working to achieve the goals and proposals set by Jacques Fresco – write to us, have skills – join the team.
We will not give up and will continue to do our best.
Find out more news about The Venus Project

I have been at the center of all this dirrection for over 13 years and can tell you a lot of things, from detailed explanation of Jacque Fresco’s original proposals, to experience of working with the movement, to little known and insider information.
I have organized the most successful and effective team of The Venus Project movement, now represented by Designing The Future, as well as the 1.5 million subscriber Jacque Fresco channel, small and large events, radio and TV interviews, working with universities and schools, organizing events, running a network of groups in 60 cities with regular meetings, and much more. Exposed and fought fraudulent companies and initiatives to protect The Venus Project’s reputation.
Organized and negotiated the construction of The Venus Project’s smart city, with the then living Jacque Fresco, which was their best chance. This has now evolved into a full-fledged smart city project and test site for the development of the entire industry of smart cities, called “Mission on Earth”, which will be launched soon, late 2024-early 2025, and we’re directly involved.
After the new directors of The Venus Project changed course, I strongly opposed it without hesitation, especially knowing the details of the gamble – taking the side of Jacque Fresco’s original ideas. Whatever the outcomes, I will continue what I have started, with the goal of giving humanity a chance to move toward a resource-based economy, or at least to point society in the right direction. I hope you will join us.