Do you like our content and would like to see more? Do you support the ideas of Jacque Fresco and the original The Venus Project and would like to see further development towards implementation, while The Venus Project organization has already refused to go down that path?
Help our team continue the work, and do much more! In addition to The Venus Project’s dramatic change of course, the main challenge over the past couple of years has been the decrease in our budget. Whereas we used to rely on standard YouTube monetization (we don’t do integrations or paid placements), now our main source of funds comes from your contributions.
We have to pay for studios, devote time and run many areas at once because of the lack of hired people, and moreover, if it goes on like this – we won’t be able to do it as our main job anymore. But we don’t need to lay people off – we need to grow our team so we can do more.
If everyone who cares can give up the extra “coffee”, and donate $2-5/month – that will allow us to move forward. If you are able to do more – this period looks to determine the future of the direction. We are doing what we can, but it’s not enough. We need your help, and today more than ever.
Thank you to everyone who is already supporting us. Join in!
Make your contribution:

I have been at the center of all this dirrection for over 13 years and can tell you a lot of things, from detailed explanation of Jacque Fresco’s original proposals, to experience of working with the movement, to little known and insider information.
I have organized the most successful and effective team of The Venus Project movement, now represented by Designing The Future, as well as the 1.5 million subscriber Jacque Fresco channel, small and large events, radio and TV interviews, working with universities and schools, organizing events, running a network of groups in 60 cities with regular meetings, and much more. Exposed and fought fraudulent companies and initiatives to protect The Venus Project’s reputation.
Organized and negotiated the construction of The Venus Project’s smart city, with the then living Jacque Fresco, which was their best chance. This has now evolved into a full-fledged smart city project and test site for the development of the entire industry of smart cities, called “Mission on Earth”, which will be launched soon, late 2024-early 2025, and we’re directly involved.
After the new directors of The Venus Project changed course, I strongly opposed it without hesitation, especially knowing the details of the gamble – taking the side of Jacque Fresco’s original ideas. Whatever the outcomes, I will continue what I have started, with the goal of giving humanity a chance to move toward a resource-based economy, or at least to point society in the right direction. I hope you will join us.