New NGO for Jacque Fresco’s major motion picture and virtual reality city

Non-profit organization “The Choice Is Ours” has an ambitious goal – to make a full-length sci-fi feature film about humanity’s transition to the resource-based economy described by Jacque Fresco.

The film

The film will show the way out of the current world situation and what humanity can come to by cooperating. It will show a chain of constructive events, which in the near future will allow us to achieve and surpass the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The events will be beneficial to everyone – both those in power and ordinary people.

Virtual model of the first city

To demonstrate the standard of living in a resource-based economy, we plan to develop a virtual BIM model of the first city and subsequently the world as a whole. BIM (Building Information Model) is an information model of a building object.

To develop the city, we plan to invite experienced engineers, designers, landscape designers, architects, builders, manufacturers of various building materials, as well as developers of computer video games. So that everyone can visit the city via the Internet and familiarize themselves with the functionality in detail. Learn how his housing, kindergartens, schools will look like, how the autonomous transportation system will work, how water will be purified, electricity will be generated, where environmentally friendly products will be grown, garbage will be recycled and how all this beauty will be kept clean, and much more.

The interactive virtual model of the city will not only demonstrate comfort, technology and functionality, but will also allow you to calculate the necessary resources for construction and logistics.

Knowing the amount of materials and resources needed, the cost can be predicted. Knowing the cost, funding can be secured. With information on available resources, it is possible to calculate where and how many such cities can be built. This will gradually provide comfortable housing for all people in need.


This is a project by one of our long-time team members and a successful entrepreneur from the Ukraine – Anatoly Karpov.

  • The website is planned to be translated into the most popular languages;
  • The nearest plans are to get Google Ad Grants for advertising the project;
  • Negotiations with a Ukrainian producer and director are underway.

We would be grateful for your support and feedback regarding the content of the website and the new project:

Get in touch with Anatoly Karpov: