What’s the plan?
Production team
Your support will help us to build a professional production team to produce publicly available materials:articles, books, videos, podcasts, interviews, documentaries, animations and run educational courses. All of this is in English, Russian, Ukrainian and additional localization will be expanded according to the possibilities.
A clear and accessible media base, as well as full openness, decentralization and support – can breathe life into an international movement and contribute to accelerated growth. We will see the formation of teams around the world, as well as organizations and individual initiatives that come together to achieve a shared goal.
Work Hub
Once we reach 10-15 professionals in the team, we will start developing the Work Hub, which can be a demonstration tourist center as well as a home and office for the team.
We will work in parallel on this direction, with the aim of influencing the vision and the very concept of evolution of the smart cities, to be part of it and to get the completed projects.